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Stopt Fall Out Boy ermee?
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- Stopt Fall Out Boy ermee?
Tijdens een Twittergesprek met fans liet Fall Out Boy-bassist Peter Wentz doorschemeren dat er heel misschien een eind in zicht is.Bassist Peter Wentz vertelde in een Twitter-meeting met Fall Out Boy-fans dat er misschien een einde of tenminste een periode van rust voor Fall Out Boy aan zit te komen. Heel hard stelde hij het niet, maar toch...
"I think it's all in context," Wentz wrote. "There aren't any new FOB songs currently because we don't write music just for the sake of it. At the same time, tomorrow maybe we will. We will stop doing FOB when it stops being fun. Currently, we're about to go out on what we think will be a really fun tour [with Blink-182]. All I meant in the [Twitter] statement is that if [Fall Out Boy's single] 'What a Catch, Donnie' was the last statement we made, I would feel content."
Twittergesprek en e-mail
In een e-mail aan MTV gaf Peter Wentz nadere uitleg over zijn Tweets aan de fans:"I think it's all in context," Wentz wrote. "There aren't any new FOB songs currently because we don't write music just for the sake of it. At the same time, tomorrow maybe we will. We will stop doing FOB when it stops being fun. Currently, we're about to go out on what we think will be a really fun tour [with Blink-182]. All I meant in the [Twitter] statement is that if [Fall Out Boy's single] 'What a Catch, Donnie' was the last statement we made, I would feel content."
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